Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Illustration Friday: Propagate

Quite the formal gardener, she propagates orchids in a glassed-in hot house.

materials: paper clay, coffee-dyed cotton, watercolor paint, alpaca fiber, paper

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  1. Hi! I just found your blog via Andrew Finnie's. I've really enjoyed looking around, what wonderful creations you make, so much detail with a touch of humor. I really admire 3D artists as I'm lousy at it myself! Great stuff - Cheers! Susan

  2. wow, you're my new favorite artist! Love the approach, the old-puppet flair, the color palette — great! I'm bookmarking your blog immediately!

  3. Beautiful art dolls. I have always had a fascination with them and keep thinking I will venture to make a few myself someday.

  4. Yes it's great this work. Strange the creepiness that 'living' dolls give me. It's a good feeling. Thanks for sharing your work!
